Practice Exam

1. Why does the American Diabetes Association recommend aerobic and strength training for managing diabetes?

2. What is the role of an agonist muscle?

3. Which of the three planes of motion describe dividing the body into top and bottom?

4. Some muscles are named after the function they perform in the body. As an example, forearm muscles are called flexors because they perform this action?

5. Which of the following factors are important for proper body alignment?

6. Which training principle describes the practice of gradually adding more resistance so there is enough stimulus to grow?

7. The Anaerobic System must rely on carbohydrates for ATP production.

8. When is the only time you shouldn’t use a spotter?

9. Which of the three planes of motion describe dividing the body into left and right?

10. Popular reasons why free weights are better than machines include:

Grade Exam