Practice Exam

1. Which of these is not one of the 5 elements of hip hop dance?

2. Which of these statements are true regarding good form?

3. Which training principle describes the practice of systematically increasing your repetitions to get stronger?

4. The frontal plane explains the division of the body between front and back.

5. You should always clear the room or floor before class to eliminate any potential safety hazards.

6. You should always teach a simple version of an exercise before a more difficult progression.

7. What are some important things to check before starting class?

8. What is an important exercise tip to always remember?

9. Which of the following should you take care of before class starts?

10. Once way to measure your heart rate is to place you two fingers on your pulse and count the beats over 10 seconds. How is the best way to get your one minute heart rate?

Grade Exam