Practice Exam

1. When performing push ups and pull ups, what are you evaluating?

2. Quadriceps are a primary mover (agonist) in a leg extension. What is the antagonist muscle?

3. If the hip adductor is the prime mover in an exercise, what is the antagonist?

4. Which of the following factors are important for proper body alignment?

5. What body fat percentage is considered obese for men?

6. Which of the following are characteristics of bad posture?

7. Tonic muscles respond by shortening and tightening.

8. Which muscle is the prime mover in spine/trunk flexion?

9. If your muscles are not in balance, you what is the potential outcome?

10. Some muscles are named after the function they perform in the body. As an example, forearm muscles are called flexors because they perform this action?

Grade Exam