Practice Exam

1. Which training principle describes the practice of systematically increasing your repetitions to get stronger?

2. The frontal plane explains the division of the body between front and back.

3. Biceps are a primary mover (agonist) in a bicep curl. What is the antagonist muscle?

4. Exercise volume refers to the amount of intensity a client has.

5. What are some common mistakes with body alignment?

6. When answering the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q), your client answers “yes” to a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by exercise. What should you recommend?

7. Type 11 fibers are faster and stronger.

8. What are the two primary physiological responses to resistance exercise?

9. What is a supinated grip?

10. Which of the following is true regarding proper weight lifting form?

Grade Exam