Practice Exam

1. What are some advantages to hiring independent contractors as personal trainers?

2. You can lower your risk of heart disease by losing as little as how much of your current body weight?

3. A marketing plan may help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace.

4. What activities should a person with osteoarthritis engage in?

5. Simple carbohydrates are what an athlete needs to maintain physical activity over an extended period of time.

6. Most post rehab programs for joints like the shoulders, hips and knees take place over what common time frame?

7. When training someone with osteoarthritis, where should you place your exercise focus?

8. When training a client to help prevent shoulder issues or for post rehab purposes, you should consider what factors in your training?

9. What are the four joints of the shoulders?

10. The Anaerobic System must rely on carbohydrates for ATP production.

Grade Exam