Practice Exam

1. Muscular strength is typically measured through a one repetition maximum lift.

2. What test best measures speed?

3. Once way to measure your heart rate is to place you two fingers on your pulse and count the beats over 10 seconds. How is the best way to get your one minute heart rate?

4. The Anaerobic System must rely on carbohydrates for ATP production.

5. An example of a push pull exercise group to alternate might be biceps and triceps.

6. What body fat percentage is considered obese for men?

7. Periodization is a way to describe training protocols that break into manageable goals.

8. How many days per week should you recommend exercise for an experienced lifter?

9. How many repetitions are usually recommended for building muscular endurance?

10. Type 11 fibers are faster and stronger.

Grade Exam